Mutilation of the Herms

Primary Sources

Thucydides 6. 1-32 (esp. 6. 27) and 6. 60-61.

Plutarch, Alcibiades 17-21.

Andokides 1 (On the Mysteries) 1-70, 2 (On His Return) 8-9;

Plato, Hipparchus 228d.

Fornara, # 147.

Secondary Sources

D. Kagan, The Peace of Nicias and the Sicilian Expedition (Cornell U. Press, 1981) 192-209.

E. Keuls, The Reign of the Phallus (U. California Press, 1985) 381-403. (Multiple copies)

M. Ostwald, From Popular Sovereignty to the Sovereignty of Law (U. California Press, 1987) 312-333, 537-550.

Main Questions

Who was responsible for the mutilation of the Herms before the departure of the Sicilian expedition? What was the purpose of this action? What does the profanation of the mysteries have to do with it? What does the episode tell us about the political atmosphere surrounding the expedition? What does the episode tell us about popular religion of the late 5th century?